Cover Crop – Bell Beans


Winter annual legume for use as an annual cover crop or silage. A fantastic nitrogen fixer and enriches the soil with loads of organic matter. Contributes 50-200#s of nitrogen and 2-4 tons of organic matter per acre. The beans are also edible, but before they can be harvested, the plants are typically tilled into the ground. Does well on fertile, well drained soils.



Cover Crop – Bell Beans

Application Rate: 2-3#s per 1,000 sq ft./100#s per acre

In California, this cool season annual is normally planted in October (northern US states) until mid-November. In the spring, when 10% of the blooms are open, it is integrated into the soil. In zones 8 and warmer, bell beans can survive the winter. Also possible to seed in the early spring.

3″ deep sows should be scattered, then raked in. grows in 5 to 10 days. frequently seeded alongside grasses and other forage-producing legumes, such as vetch and other cover crops that can use bell bean as a scaffold. In 90–220 days after sowing, the plant reaches its peak bloom.

Additional information

Weight 50 lbs